
quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013

Love spells Mooring of San Cipriano

Sympathy slamming the book of Saint Cyprian

In San Cipriano mooring sympathy we have a little more of you will also get the result you want.
This mooring Cyprian'll sympathy to make 2 different sex dolls.
The two figures must be of natural color linen, stuffing cotton wrist must have.
Clothing should be new and must be very similar to the wrists of the couple
Strong Tie the two wrists with rope or white
Make turns arrow and increasingly have to make a knot.
Need a picture each, place the image so that face each other.
Repeat the following words of the prayer are intended cipriano his gaze into the eyes of the person you want to link wrist:


After making prayer offers the seventh and final node in dolls. And put them in a cloth bag in red or pink and take home.

You should do this ritual tie after midnight in the Crescent Moon nights for 7 consecutive days until the moon is full. Each repetition of this ritual add a new line without having to remove the post above. You must keep the dolls hidden in a drawer and just remove them for this nightly ritual. In preparation for this ritual must wear white, bath beads and incense to attract good energy. This mooring sympathy of San Cipriano when done with faith and observing all the requirements and procedures will be very strong and powerful and great helper can tie your love for each other without turning back. The dolls hidden in a part of the house to sleep (can be in your room). This work should be done preferably tie the person who will receive the benefits.

Love Spells To change the eye color

To change the eye color
You will need at least one candle in the color you want to change your eyes to. You also need a pentagram. You can draw a pentagram, if you do not have one. A pentagram is a star inside a circle.
Light the candle (s) and sit in front of it / them and chant the following three or more times:

"One, two, three, eyes turn to me,
One, two, three (color you have now) to (new color) I see. '

Take a deep breath as you imagine cleaning up with a new eye color, then chant it three or more times:. "By the power of three, so be it" Again visualize your eyes changing from their original color to the new color, then check the mirror. Note: This spell may only last a day or more if using only a candle. And the color of the candle will eye color again!

Love Spells To love again

To love again
Tree with bird's nest visible
running water

This spell should be done on the eve of summer (June 20).

Bury a grown up under the tree, leave a gate in a church, at a crossroads, another running a water passed under his pillow. Sleeping with him for 3 nights and the room sprinkle it in the four corners of where you live (in the streets).

Love Spells Bring back lost love

Bring back lost love
A red candle (south)
A green candle (North)
A yellow candle (East)
A blue candle (West)
Two candles pink

Place the candles in the corners match. Hold the two pink candles in their hands and face the red candle (south). Chant the following until you feel satisfied:! Beautiful Goddess, powerful God, hear my prayer Lords of fire, burn my desire, three times if it is to be, Bring NAME * back to me.

Love Spells Reveal what do you think about someone

Reveal what do you think about someone

Type the name of the person you are asking yourself on a piece of paper. Fold the paper in half, then in half again. Draw an eyeball outside the folded page. Slide the page under your pillow and bed before repeating as follows: With dreamy eyes I try to see what that person thinks of me. be it good or bad Reveal to me as it is my will Close your eyes and imagine this person sitting a crowded room. The room is all the buzz of a conversation you can not hear clearly. This is gossip about this person that you started. It can be good and / or bad can be. As you move the person to let himself fall asleep. When you wake up, write down what you heard in your dream, particularly anything he / she said or did. Your answer will reveal itself. If you do not get the answer to your questions, consider what has been revealed to you in your place. Maybe there is a truth that is missing, which is more appealing then what you are looking for.

Love Spells Finding your soul mate

Finding your soul mate

For this you need to get your mind clear and focused on the goal.
Paper Left

A pen

Incense Moon


at any time, preferably after dark during the waxing moon. The timing is more flexible, with this work, for many reasons, the nature of work, the energy contained in the full moon moon incense which is an incense of increase or drawing. Reinforce your personal circle / aura and prepare for functioning in its usual way. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will draw the most perfect partner for you right now. Do not include specific names, and avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can not find exactly the right words, use the following: If there is a perfect match, this work tonight will surely catch. the perfect one that is destined to be, should find his / her home to me. In perfect love and perfect trust, I send this out, but not lust, This spell will guide us to unite, free will remains with us tonight. When finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that what I mean is included. When you're right, it's like you want, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light the fire ritual or coal. When you get "that feeling" (the one when you know that everything is right, your will is focused, you know it's right, you know the feeling ...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals or charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it three times. As you read, or how you get to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a tablespoon) of Incense Moon on fire. You'll want to be practiced in this for the best effect, as well as security, to make up a total revenue of that and get used to his nature before the rite. Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or stuck to your night clothes (if you are not sky / star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the Circle of Power / Protection, reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. Or you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many witches have containers to hold special operation finished in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or paintings on them that echo their contents. For example, a box of heart shaped heart with runes and magical symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.

Love Spells mooring easy

mooring easy
You will need:
white paper
pink candle
It should be done on a Friday

On a Friday night, light your candle pink. With the favorite pen and a blank piece of paper, write your name and your loved one. Draw a circle around the names and close your eyes and meditate on what you want (the two of you together, how happy you will be, etc.) Repeat three times:

"Our fate is sealed
we are a
So be it
You are done! '

Watch her ​​pink candle for at least 15 minutes meditating on the person you want and you will have wonderful love together. If possible, meditate until the candle burns. You can also use a large candle and do the spell every night for seven nights meditating 15 minutes each night.

Love Spells Lucky in love

Lucky in love
you will use:
A rose quartz
Silver dish
Patalas pink
Put in quartz silver dish and leave on the light of the new moon, kiss the rose petals and place underneath the plate. Leave there for 5 days, after spending 5days uses it on you for luck in love.

Love Spells Make dream

Make dream
A piece of paper

On the night of the new moon, write your dream / desire on the piece of paper. Light the candle and just look for the flames. Close your eyes and visualize your wish come true. Look at the moon and ask the Lady of the Moon grant you your wish. Thank you. Now take the piece of paper and burn it in the candle. Repeat this 12 nights. If you happen to miss a night you'll have to start all over again - but not during the waning moon.

Love Spells for boyfriends

for boyfriends
You will need:
A Valentine's Day card
A red candle, or rose
Type your name and your desire for Valentine's Day card. Take the candle and drip wax to seal the envelope with the card inside. Place this special spell in the same drawer where you keep your underwear. Within 4 months you should hear of his beloved and his / her intentions!

Love Spells for beauty

for beauty
You will need:
A photo of you
5 votive candles

Put the five votive candles in the shape of a heart and put your photo in the center.
Ask Venus, the goddess of love, to make it beautiful / handsome.
Thank the Goddess and do something really nice for someone you despise, do not know or do not care much about. The good you do will come back to you!

Love Spells attracting love

attracting love
You need:
1 cup of water from the river / sea
chili powder
rosemary powder
5 drops of oil of jasmine
few drops of his blood

Mix ingredients in a bowl never used before. Sprinkle the mixture on or near your home, while talking on your desire.

Love Spells declare love

declare love
you will need:
Orange blossom
one pink candle
orange blossom oil
willow branch
some hair

On a Friday night asking the goddess Venus or Isis, or Cupid / Eros to help you make your loved ones, saying:

"Declare to me truly __________, I mean no harm and may contribute to the happiness of his life solved."

Anoint pink candles with oil, add the remaining and grind to a powder. Sprinkle where your lover will often (ideally his / her room).

Love Spells Charm in love

Charm in love
Go into a forest on any Friday or Monday and build a fire. Pour some coriander seeds and say:
"O magic coriander, make him / her mad"
Throw some cumin seeds in the fire and say:
"O magic caraway cause his / her wandering without ceasing"
Throw a stick of gum in the fire and say:
O magic mastic put in your heart despair / her and tears "
Now throw a bit of cumin on the fire while speaking, "The magic cumin bring him / her to me" This is when you throw verdigris (green blue jacket that forms on copper) to the fire saying: "O magic light verdigris the fire in his / her heart "Now take some myrrh throw it in the fire and say:" O myrrh magic with him / her a terrible night "Finally take the straw of a broom cemetery throw it in the fire and say:" O magic broom bring him / her to me, "This completes the ritual and what you want to be driven mad with passion for you!

Love Spells For he / she love you more

For he / she love you more
Items needed:
an apple red
3 tablespoons of sugar
a piece of cardboard
a photo del
a red pen
3 tablespoons of honey
a red candle
one pink candle
a white candle
a purple candle
Burn four candles in a single night, burn a candle every night for a week before bed.
Take the tip of the mace, the cardboard write the name and date of birth of the person you want, the next photo, and place inside the club.
Put three tablespoons of honey and sugar inside, and close the club with its tip cut off. Then put the apple in her wardrobe, and leave it there for a week. With the days passing the apple gets mucha, and heart your love melted by you, after a week take the mace and bury in the ground.

Love Spells To be more desirable

To be more desirable
A pink candle
A bottle of olive oil
something to light the candle

Take candle and place it on your desk, or altar, to follow the route the oil candle. While the oil is in sailing, do it with love and desire, so spend all your emotion into the candle. After spending the oil in the candle, take a knife and what do you want to write in sailing. After writing, light the candle and focus your love and emotion. Do this until the candle burns out, you can not be bothered, the more you feel sexier, this spell will work for you. After the candle has finished burning the spell is finished.

Love Spells To win gifts from an admirer

To win gifts from an admirer

you will use the following items:
a candle in golden color
oil benzonin
a pearl necklace
It should be done in a Thursday, during the full moon, go sailing in the oil and then the sugar, and let it dry. Place in a candle holder, enrrole the pearl necklace in the candle and then lit, saying the following words:
Show your love in ways that I can see
with harm to none, so be it!

Love Spells To have a perfect companion

To have a perfect companion

Think of all what you want your partner has to be perfect. Maybe you have someone in mind, Loosen the thought that the person (who would be more ethical to work magic to make a person love you, which would violate their free will, and put him in danger by the Law of Return). Release all notions of your perfect lover will look like. These are external, and if you cling to them, then you run the risk of overlooking your ideal mate simply because your conscious mind was focused on superficialities. Equipment needed: Two candles: one white, one in your favorite color Two candlesticks A rose colored altar cloth A piece of red chalk.
This love spell can be performed at any time. I often think that the night is the best. When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents. Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities and energies that are willing to take an intimate relationship. Replace the candle on the altar, and go to white. This is your ideal partner. Speak aloud the essential qualities you want in a mate, and ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this life. Now place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart in the center with red chalk, large enough for the two candle holders. Each day after, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles an inch together. If you started at the new moon, full moon, so the candles should touch the heart center. When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first, increase energy, singing your favorite love song, and charge the candles.

Love Spells To have one's heart

To have one's heart

You will need a white candle, light it on a Friday, saying:
"May this flame of passion burning inside your heart,
me, you are not part
with harm to none
So be it - it's done! '
Let the candle burn while you speak these words and want someone's heart.

Love Spells Mooring to attract love

Mooring to attract love

In a Friday full moon, throw some salt over an open fire, with his right hand, saying the following phrases:
"It is not salt I turn to fire, but the heart of man / woman I seek.
He has no peace of mind until he comes to me. "
This tie should be made in 3 Fridays in a row, the third and last time the phrase should be changed to,
"It is not salt I turn to fire, but the heart of man / woman I seek. He / she will have no peace of mind until he / she comes to me." And so ends the mooring, usually the person you want appears in a few weeks.

The mooring loving serves to anyway?

Not only for some cases, but do not worry we have different jobs mooring for love and marriage.

Love Spells To have a new love

To have a new love

With the light of the full moon, take a silver ring and wrap it in a clean white cloth, dig a hole and place the ring inside. Pour a little wine or milk on the ground, and speak the following words.
Blessed Mother fair and true
This gift I offer to You
Bless this ring and make it shine
Bring a lover to be my
so be it!
Leave the ring buried until the next full moon, after that take the ring and use normally, and if your chosen person is close, will be attracted to you.

Love Spells Mooring to attract love

Mooring to attract love

In a Friday full moon, throw some salt over an open fire, with his right hand, saying the following phrases:
"It is not salt I turn to fire, but the heart of man / woman I seek.
He has no peace of mind until he comes to me. "
This tie should be made in 3 Fridays in a row, the third and last time the phrase should be changed to,
"It is not salt I turn to fire, but the heart of man / woman I seek. He / she will have no peace of mind until he / she comes to me." And so ends the mooring, usually the person you want appears in a few weeks.

Has a term for the work of love tangles over?

Yes has a deadline to finish the effect, generally the love tangles ends in 7 years.

Love Spells Mooring Simple

Mooring Simple:
To do this mooring, you will need the following items:

1 sheet of paper guided
1 red pen or marker
her favorite perfume
1batom red
some rose petals

Write what do you want the person to be bound is, for example, their qualities, with the pen. Splash a little perfume on your sheet of paper, fold the paper and then place in an envelope, hold the petals of roses his right hand, mentalize be happy and fulfilled, squeezing the petals, then store the petals in the envelope, seal, and finally, pass the red lipstick and seal the envelope with a kiss. Put in a safe place, and not the open.

What are the guarantees of the mooring work?

We are 10 años en la ciudad de São Paulo, and serve personamente usted el trabajo paid for me to tie her persona that depues vuelva you.

Los papers to be Hechos el amor en la del presence customer or client can do the same trabajo of amarracion if so desired.

How loving is done to tie?

The mooring is through loving spirits that influence the life of the person indicated. In this paper mooring for love I will offer sails for spiritual entities to unite two people.

For this reason it is essential to purchase materials to begin the work.

Accurate fazer something em home?

Sim as orações of Amarração for or love pai e ave maria são nosso essenciais to certo to Amarração loving, faith ajuda muito Amarração not trabalho of love

The person becomes different echizada after clamping the work?

Sim to face pessoa Amarração voltar apaixonada beloved and romantic com mais forte or sexual desejo by Voce pessoas Algumas pessoa reclamam why ciumenta fica e quer hed ao tempo side quem all hires or spiritual trabalho Amarração.

And if I want to give up the mooring?

The tie may be broken but when one wants to, one can be tied untied but is much more complicated and more expensive so think well before making our love tangles only do if you are really decided (a).

What materials are used in the work of love tangles?

The materials are lashing the sails for the love that can be bought in stores or esoteric can be made ​​to order factory direct.

As snake to do the job Mooring Amorosa?

We do not charge anything just accept a gratification, and how much you want to pay. Payment of love tangles is done after the result and decide when you want to pay.

What does it take to make a Tie Amoroso?

To make the tie for el amor personamente or make an appointment by phone, do a simple query for free you can fill out the form on this link contact, do not forget to put your email along with your name, birth date and location containing city and parents, and the data of the person you want to tie.

If the answer is positive, ie the query says that the tie will go right you will have to buy the materials to make the tie after loving the work started lashing for love you'll have to make the prayers and wait for the call or the return of the beloved.

Just do the love tangles if you really love a lot. The final mooring is a strong work that is difficult to be broken later.

Spells to end insomnia

Inside a bag of white cloth, put ten mango leaves, ten basil leaves and ten eucalyptus leaves. Fecheo also line it with white. Before bed, leave the package near your pillow and sleep with him until the day that the problem disappear. When that happens, throw it in the trash. Do not let anyone touch his head in that bag.

Spells for urgent work pack

Sympathy for urgent work pack

Write multiple addresses employment or white paper. Put it under a saucer which should be lit one white candle. Place leaves around me-nobody-can, rue and honey. When you finish the candle burn, bury his remains, leaves and paper in a garden. Wash and use the saucer normally.

Spells for addictions away

Go to a church, hold a Bible in his left hand and quietly read Psalm 29. Offer prayers to the archangels Gabriel, Raphael and Michael. When you return to your home, light three candles in white thanks to archangels. The Bible should be open on page Psalm for five days and then placed in the usual place.

Spells to win promotion

Sympathy to win promotion

Every Friday, when going to your trabalhová to a church that has seven steps and climb stairs. Each step on that, think of the promotion you want. Repeat this ritual for seven straight weeks. At last, pray and thank our seven api by grace that you may receive.

Spells for welfare for sick person

Offer to infermo red flowers, but she must stay in the room, within a vessel, and not in the sick room. When wilted, they should be released into the air in salute ace protective souls. Then collect the flowers and throw in trash.

Spells to be patient to achieve the goals

Sympathy to be patient to achieve the goals

Every Monday, right after you get home from work, sit in a quiet place in your home and relax for a few minutes, imagine that all your problems have been resolved and you no longer have to worry. Say a prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus, patron saint of desperate causes, asking him protection.

Spells to end insomnia

Inside a bag of white cloth, put ten mango leaves, ten basil leaves and ten eucalyptus leaves. Fecheo also line it with white. Before bed, leave the package near your pillow and sleep with him until the day that the problem disappear. When that happens, throw it in the trash. Do not let anyone touch his head in that bag.

Spells for changing jobs

Sympathy for changing jobs

Every day when you wake up, think: "Jesus Christ, open the path of that reserved a plenty for me. Now is the acceptable time. And now time for God." Imagine you are well off and with all what ever dreamed, Light two candles on a plate in honor of Jesus and pray an Our Father. Wash and use the dish usually after washing.

Spells for stability professional

Sympathy for stability professional

On a piece of white cloth, write your full name and full name of his boss with red ink pen. Then wrap a sprig of rue in cloth, soft it four times, Bury everything in a pot or garden. Wash hands thoroughly after contact with rue.

Spells for relative or friend (a) get a job

Sympathy for relative or friend (a) get a job

For nine consecutive days, always before bed, make the sign of the cross and pray seven Hail Marys and seven queens to save our lady of the work, saying every prayer: "Our Lady of work, I beg your means so that (say the person's name) get a job. "

Spells to get the service you want

Sympathy to get the service you want

For seven consecutive days, always at noon, kneel and place your order to be bartolomeu. Promise that, in exchange for his grace be reached, you will accomplish some good deed (you can choose whatever you want). When you get what you want, fulfill your promise and give thanks.

Spells for choosing certain profissão

Sympathy for choosing certain profisão

With four different color pens, paint four grains of rice. Imagine that each represent a profession that would exercer.Jogue grains near a formigreiro and wait: the first one is removed by the ants indicate the right job for you.

Spells to repay debts

Buy a small image of buddha and let in a prominent place in your home. Write on a piece of paper the name of the company or person to whom you owe and put underneath the image along with a note of small value of money, which should be changed every Saturday. Once you get what you want, give the money to someone in need and throw paper in the trash.

Spells for profit in business

Sympathy for profit in business

One evening crescent, leave a pebble with a horseshoe for a week. On the eighth day, grab it with your right hand and place them under your bed, leaving for another week. Save them in your commercial establishment at that time find necesario.

Spells to receive inheritance

Take three branches of rue, açecrim three of three leaves Daisy and a penny. Put it all together and wrap the branches with a piece of string. Put in a bag (patois) and always carry with you. When discussing the issues of inheritance, firmly hold the amulet in his hands, asking that all problems are resolved quickly. Save the patois for as long as necessary.

Spells to protect the household poverty

On Sunday afternoon, look at your partner (or algim dear family), take his hands and say: "My father says that in heaven we agreed that we both ask adundância, he would give us.'s God's will we have plenty in our house "Repeat this for three consecutive Sundays.

Spells to calm the boss

Sympathy to calm the boss

On the way to his service, go seven sprigs of rue rubbing between your hands. When you arrive, let the branches, without anyone noticing, near the spot where his master is. Do this for seven days straight. Wash hands thoroughly after contact with the plant.

Spells to repay debts

Buy a small image of buddha and let in a prominent place in your home. Write on a piece of paper the name of the company or person to whom you owe and put underneath the image along with a note of small value of money, which should be changed every Saturday. Once you get what you want, give the money to someone in need and throw paper in the trash.

Spells to be happy at work

Sympathy to be happy at work

In a Friday, put three cloves of garlic in a drawer in his work where nobody mecha. The garlic should remain there for two days and then be thrown into a trash to stay away from his job. Repeat when necessary.

Spells to receive inheritance

Take three branches of rue, açecrim three of three leaves Daisy and a penny. Put it all together and wrap the branches with a piece of string. Put in a bag (patois) and always carry with you. When discussing the issues of inheritance, firmly hold the amulet in his hands, asking that all problems are resolved quickly. Save the patois for as long as necessary.

Spells to always have plenty

Prep a basket with lots of fruits and flowers and leave in a place of your home that get sun. Provide the ingredients as a gift for lemanja and oxum. Say a prayer, asking them to fill your home with good energy and not let anything missing in your life. Thank you for protecting'll get. The next day, pray an Our Father and give the gift basket to someone you really like.

Spells for luck with officials

Sympathy for luck with officials

Once a month, take a gift to your employees (can be good-good flower keyring ...). While doing so, ask them to pass the mentally cope better with you. Upon arriving at your home, read Psalm 23. Repeat this sympathy for as long as necessary.

Spells to recover loan

Buy a French bread, cut in half and pass margarine in it. Write five times on five sheets of paper breanco using green pen, the name of the person who owes money to you. Place the bread and the papers in a clean plastic bag. Come out with the bag of bread in his hands in the doorway of his house and say aloud: "May God give you (say the name of the person you owe money to) double and thus can pay me." Throw the bag in the trash normally use the pen.

Spells for more enegia service

Sympathy for more enegia service

Upon waking drink a glass of cold water. Then, stretch the body of a good stretch. Visualise that will accomplish your work positively. Then pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a creed. You will feel a lot of guts and a willingness to face another day of work.

Sympathy to spend the whole month with money

Once you receive your salary, take a small a small amount and store in a safe place. Pray, then, three Our ​​Fathers, offering St Vincent de Paul. After two months, give dinherio you saved to a charity.

Spells to increase your parish

Sympathy to increase your parish

Sympathy to increase your parish
Boil one liter of water with nine bay leaves. Expect warm and wet the door sills of your establishment. While doing this, check saying: "Go blonde, blonde comes, no missing work and the money will come." Play what's left of bay leaves in the trash.

Spells to conquer fortune

To get the money quickly, put three branches of rue, a teaspoon (tsp) of sunflower seeds, white rose petals and a handful of salt in a bowl with hot coals. All ingredients must be dry. Wash your hands and open all the windows in your home. Make smoking from the kitchen door to the room door, intending that fortune quick check on your home. Then do this prayer: "My hookah-smoking home in lovor of God and of the Blessed Sacrament, that between this fortune through the door." Then throw all what's left in a flower garden.

Spells for high spirits in business

Sympathy for high spirits in business

In umanoite Saturday, light a incense of myrrh and say, "Guardian Angel, help me to grow in the business and find an honest partner to put into practice my projects. Shows me the right way. Thank you." When finished burning incense, throw the remains in the trash.

Spells for achieving prosperity

Sympathy for achieving prosperity

At 6 o'clock, give a coin to a person who is close to you, saying, "I wish you much abundance that money to bring her home and that their abundance is reflected in my life" The act of wishing good for others behind good fruit in your life.

Spells for not having debts never

In a day of new moon, make a bag with white cotton fabric 7cm tall, and at 7 o'clock in the morning, put inside seven coins of any value. Then close the bag and leave it in a corner of your home where you do not see those who enter. The amulet should stay there until you get the money you need to pay the debt. Then just throw the bag in the trash and give the coins to a child or someone in need. Pray three Hail Marys.

Spells to gain respect from colleagues

Sympathy to gain respect from colleagues

On Monday, buy a pot that has many beautiful violets and take it to your trabalho.Coloque the vessel in a place where everyone can see you with trbalham. Make the sign of the cross every day you get to your service, looking at the vase and agradescendo god for another day of opportunities and friendship. Take care of the vase with care.

Spells for not staying in red

Place three coins of any value in a saucer. About him, beside coins, light a white candle and ask your holy devotion of money not to miss. Give coins to the first beggar who finds. This sympathy may be made as often as you want.

Spells for improving relationship with boss

Sympathy for improving relationship with boss

In a red paper write, write seven times the name of his boss, and a white sheet, write your name seven times too. Wrap three branches of rue and three cloves of garlic along with the papers. Play a little honey on top and say, "What the honey una ee improves our socializing." Play the package in the trash and not tell anyone about sympathy.

Spells to bring money into your home or business

This sympathy should be made on the day of kings, January 6. Put water in a saucer with seven grains of rice, cover with plastic and let beside the image of the three wise men (can be paper) for seven consecutive days. After this period, throw everything in the trash. Let the image of the Magi turned back toward the front door of your home or your business, as long as you feel necessary.

Spells to succeed in traballho

Sympathy to succeed in traballho

Type a name in the name of white paper from his boss, and up your name. Dobbre paper and let it nagaveta your desk at work pr 13 days, without anyone knowing. Remove the paper from the drawer and bury it in a vase of flowers.

Spells for attracting money

Extend a purple towel on a table. Within a clay pot, put some popcorn popped in oil-for-palm, spread a little honey over them and garnish everything with lilies. Let Aranjo in the center of the towel, and beyond, purple light seven candles, each one in a saucer. As they burn, say a prayer to Nana and mention what you want. Then bury the wax is left in a vase. Throw popcorn and flowers in the trash and use the towel, pot and saucer as usual after washing.

Spells to continue in employment

Sympathy to continue in employment

Write the following phrase seven times in a purple paper: "I ask my guardian angel to help me secure employment." In the same paper wrap a sprig of rue and three cloves of garlic. Leave this pack in your drawer for a month. Throw it in the trash and repeat the ritual every year, preferably on the same day.

Spells for attracting money

Extend a purple towel on a table. Within a clay pot, put some popcorn popped in oil-for-palm, spread a little honey over them and garnish everything with lilies. Let Aranjo in the center of the towel, and beyond, purple light seven candles, each one in a saucer. As they burn, say a prayer to Nana and mention what you want. Then bury the wax is left in a vase. Throw popcorn and flowers in the trash and use the towel, pot and saucer as usual after washing.

Never lose spells for payment

Never lose sympathy for payment

On the day you get paid, say "my beloved saint antonio, who takes care of workers with both appreciation, I do not let today be the victim of assault, because I'm carrying a necessity. Prevent, santo antonio, this kind of misfortune in my life. So be it! "In closing, pray an Our Father and the holy oefereça it.

Spells to earn lots of money

In a day of new moon logo for the breakfast, buy a small gold padlock and leave it on a bay leaf until sunset. When you finish taking your abitual, pass the lock po their hands and feet saying: Moon, here is the armor of my wealth, I can only destroy it or abrila for more riches to come. "Wipe your feet and hands with a yellow towel . padlock Put in a place that nobody sees and leave it there for as long as desired. Throw in the bay leaf litter and use the towel usually.

Spells blessed to have finances

In a bucket, put a handful of salt, three liters of water and 100ml of disinfectant pine (this element attracts wealth and misery away). Soak a cloth in the mixture and, with the help of a squeegee, go through the floor of his home, starting at the back door and headed toward the front door. Wet the cloth as often as needed. If necessary, do some more mixing. Meanwhile, mentally repeat: "purify my home and where the bounty on him on behalf of the Holy Souls."

Spells to have a satisfying professional life

Sympathy to have a satisfying professional life

Three small smoky quartz (rock associated with Saturn, which has influence at work) and place in a bag of white fabric. Add three tablespoons (coffee) ground cinnamon and sew with white thread. Keep your shoes along with the time necessary.

Spells fight to overcome at work

Sympathy fight to overcome at work

Upon arriving at his workplace, mentalize a pleasant and pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary in pensament. Imagine also how it would get along with the person with whom fought. Do this every day until you can overcome the disagreement.

Spells for understanding with partners

Sympathy for understanding with partners

Qunado not have anyone in their press, throw a little flour on the front door. After 5 minutes, wrap your right foot in a cloth and sprinkle the flour. When your partner through the door, make the sign of the cross discreetly. Wash the panoe use it normally.

Spells for getting a job

Sympathy for getting a job

At 6 pm on a Monday or Friday, go to the backyard of your home (if you live in an apartment, go to the window) and pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary with great faith, asking Our Lady that helps you to get a job. Do this until you get what you want.

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

Spells to end insomnia

Inside a bag of white cloth, put ten mango leaves, ten basil leaves and ten eucalyptus leaves. Fecheo also line it with white. Before bed, leave the package near your pillow and sleep with him until the day that the problem disappear. When that happens, throw it in the trash. Do not let anyone touch his head in that bag.

Spells for achieving financial success

Always use a gold jewelry because it is an element of luck that receives the good energy of the sun to attract financial success. But to get the strength you want, your jewelry needs to be energized: on a sunny Sunday, deiche the jewelry outdoors for an hour. Then, use your charm as always. Not deiche anyone touch her. If this happens, make energozação again.

Spells to earn more money

Get a locksmith with all the keys of your home and rub them in your hands for ten minutes. Then, take the keys to the keychain and place them one by one, on a table covered with sheets of newspaper. Arrange the keys in the shape of a cross and pray an Our Father, visualizing your desire to make money and gain good job opportunities, Join the keys back in keychain and use them normally. Play sheets of newspaper in the trash.

Spells to win a special love

Mix your drops of olive oil with two leaves of cypress and a little scent of verbena. Whenever you leave home, spend a little bit of that nistura above the eyebrows and leave the Bible open to Psalm 133 in return. If you prefer, you can use another holy book, since it is open in an important passage for you. When you finish the preparation, throw what's left of sympathy in the trash.

Spells for success in bed

Put five gallons of water in a bowl, add three roses color pink and turn the fire. Wait for the mixture reaches a boil, add five drops of lavender scent, five perfume of sandalwood and a handful of salt. Simmer for five minutes, cover the pot and turn off heat. Once you are warm, strain and pour the prepared in your body, from the neck down. Use a towel to enchugar. Roses should be discarded.

Spells for health all year

Sympathy for health all year

Get three white roses, the most beautiful gotta find then plant in a white vase or glass, the vessel may not have been used before. Put into 6 coins and chives, put a little water, and leave well for 7 days, after that change the water, take the coins and green onions and replace the roses, only to get the coins. This sympathy should be made of 7 in 7 days, preferably Fridays throughout the year, if done according, have health throughout the year.

Spells to have victory in his plans Write a sheet of castor your name and what you want to achieve. Fold it and tie it with string and bury it in a pot with soil, covered with boulders. Then say a Salve Regina, an Our Father and a creed. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and exit the site thanks to the force of nature and making the sign of the cross.

Write a sheet of castor your name and what you want to achieve. Fold it and tie it with string and bury it in a pot with soil, covered with boulders. Then say a Salve Regina, an Our Father and a creed. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and exit the site thanks to the force of nature and making the sign of the cross.

Spells for health all year

Sympathy for health all year

Get three white roses, the most beautiful gotta find then plant in a white vase or glass, the vessel may not have been used before. Put into 6 coins and chives, put a little water, and leave well for 7 days, after that change the water, take the coins and green onions and replace the roses, only to get the coins. This sympathy should be made of 7 in 7 days, preferably Fridays throughout the year, if done according, have health throughout the year.

Spells to shine

Light an incense rosemary and while it burns, say: "I attract brilliance, success and joy." Look through the incense throughout the home or at work (if you can) at noon. Boil enough rosemary in two liters of water. Deiche rest and throw it in your cup ready exactly at 3 pm on a Sunday (can be every Sunday). of a white candle on a saucer, which can be used normally.

Spells to bring money

Sympathy to bring money

Exactly at 23:30 on 31, take the five grapes coffin, and eat the seeds keep within your portfolio, and make the request in thinking that next year you will have enough money to fulfill all your desires, and when midnight, throw the seeds in water corente.

Spells to win the hearts of those who want

Before meeting her crush, light an incense vetiver and pass the smoke around your body, with very careful not to hurt. Let the incense burn to the end and blow the ashes to the wind.

Love Spells to win a love

Sympathy to win a love

Take two feathers of a hummingbird and a white piece of paper, draw a heart on it and paste in the center heart of the picture of the person you want to win, putting over penalties. Fold forming an envelope and tie with a red ribbon and place under a picture of Saint Anthony. Soon that person will be completely in love with you but never tell anyone you did this sympathy.

Spells to succeed in litigation

On Thursday, a paper copy in verse 5 of Psalm 17. Light a white candle on a saucer and put the paper underneath the saucer, with the thought fixed in many victories you want for your life. After the candle burn, throw your scraps in a trash can. Wash and re-use the saucer as usual.

Spells for abundance in life and at home

Sympathy for abundance in life and at home

Before midnight, one should eat lentils well seasoned with lots of garlic, after eating, take three sips of wine. When midnight, throw some lentils for self and talk, that in the year that is coming, I do not miss anything and everything that comes with great abundance.

Spells order to accomplish important

Tie a ribbon color pink on her waist, but do not tighten, and stay 24 hours thus praying to Our Lady appeared always to remember is that with fita.Nesses moments, mentally say what you want. Spent a day, deiche the tape at the altar of a church, asking Our Lady to intercede for you with god. Pray three Hail Marys and walk away without looking back.

Spells for luck in the new year

Sympathy for luck in the new year

Must use new clothing, because they bring us good fluids that everything goes well in the New Year. When exactly midnight on December 31, place a glass of champagne in his left hand, and then take 7 sips of the drink, and throw the rest back over the right shoulder.

Spells to realize your dreams

Draw a sun on a poster board and paste over golden foil. Above the sun, paste three blue ribbons satin and say: "ERC blue, full of charm, which houses the sun, full of life and light, bless my goals in life and light, bless my goals in life and I always shines when doing all what proprus me. "Place the design on a place you always see (for exmplo, inside your closet) and leave it there for as long as necessary.

Friendliness to overcome difficulties

Before bed, with a rosary in his hand, pray every night an Our Father and a Hail Mary for your angel. ask him to help you through all obstacles and emerge victorious in all what you do. Then, save the third as his talisman and do not let anyone else touch it.

Spells for success with money

Get a foot of brown tape, black tape two feet and two feet of red ribbon. Make braid with them and keep it in the bag. As you leave to make a play, put the braid in his hands and say, "Let my ways be traced with a lot of money and I can help the needy and also live a more peaceful life." Give three kisses between the braid and the lottery. Play the first numbers that come to your head. Repeat the ritual each time you play.

Spells for families without financial problems

Sympathy for families without financial problems

When the family is in financial difficulties cook lentils for three days, eat a spoon (one tablespoon) From lentils together around the table, holding a coin in their hands and saying, "Money, Money, Speak up here and now ".
Sympathy to ward off evil from his home
Put in inside a moringa (clay pot using to conserve fresh water), and a little holy water, seven crevos India and seven grains of black pepper. Enbrulhe all in any role, place in a corner of your house and leave it there. Repeat this ritual every three months, using the same jug and throwing the remaining ingredients in a pot with plant. Do this for as long as find Authentic'' ario. Throw the paper in the trash and use moringa as desired.

Spells for three wishes

On Thursday, separate three cloves of garlic. Make three wishes and keep your teeth in a drawer where no one strand. The next day, bury them in a vase of your home and make three requests again. When her eyes welling up, your desires will be met.

Spells for the home feliciadade

Sympathy for the home feliciadade

Put a wrench and a steel pendulum behind the front door of his house. You can make your pendulum, using line and a stone. Leave the key and pendulum there long enough, then throw them in the trash.
Sympathy to family back home
Pray three Our ​​Fathers and three times pass under the table where the family usually eat meals. While passing under the table say three times: "(name of person) to come home." This is indicated sympathy for divorced parents, not children and husbands at home parang viajão that much.

Spells to succeed in life

Put two quarts of water to a boil along with a handful of salt and 13 bay leaves. Wet the sills of the windows and doors of your home with this preparation. While doing this, say out loud: "Labour will not miss and prosperity is coming." Collect the laurel leaves and bury the nun earthen vessel. Make this sympathy when home alone. Play what's left of the preparation in the sink.

Spells to come to terms with the coined (a)

Sympathy to come to terms with the coined (a)

Assenda a white candle on a saucer and while the candle parenchyma, make prayers to the saint of his devotion, asking you to live well with his (her) brother in law (a). Expect the finished candle burn and throw the remains in the trash. Repeat this spell for three consecutive days, always at the same time using the same saucer. On the last day, the saucer throw in the trash, along with the remains of candle. Never tell anyone you did this sympathy.

Spells for achieving success in all what makes

In a crock, put seven tablespoons (soup) of rice and an image of Buddha. Let vasila capped with a towel and place it in a location of your home where you feel comfortable. Every three weeks the rice should be changed and the old thrown in the trash. This sympathy should last nine weeks. Then put the Buddha on a mobile of your living room, throw away the rice, wash the bowl and towel and use them when needed.

Spells for parents not quarrel

Sympathy for parents not quarrel

One of the children should cut a banana lengthwise and place in a paper with the name of the couple, father and mother, writing. Stir in another part of the banana, the yellow-inteirinha with string and bury in a garden florio. Lenbre that their faith is more important what do ha in sympathy, so do not be afraid to use it.

Spells for son (a) not afraid of rain

Sympathy for son (a) not afraid of rain

Ask for it barbaric holy light emmbora all fear of lightning, thunder and relânpagos of his son. Take a piece of paper and write the name of their younger children in the form of a cross. Fold four times and bury in a vase with a flower offering to santa barbara. If you want, you can even write something about fear that they semtem. After the sympathy pray an Our Father. Teach your children how to care for the plant is always that fear away from them. If he is too young, you can do this same.

Spells for the first time to be perfect

Dribble three drops of lavender in a black panties that have never been used and without then view the piece. Put a glass of filtered water next to an image of Santo Antonio and light an incense marjoram in the appropriate place. When performed the ritual, repeat the following: "Santos protectors of love and sex, cause it's my turn to be a success. Which I do not feel trauma, fear or Vergons protectors of love and sex, help me carry this desire. Amen. "Then take the water. The panties and cup odem be used normally. The ashes of the incense must be blown in the wind.

Spells to prevent theft in residence

Sympathy to prevent theft in residence

Take a little crumb of a stale bread and put three red peppers pão.tampe inside the hole with the core removed and leave behind the door of his home for three days. Then throw in a dumpster to your home.

Spells for progress in life

Raise the morning, before sunrise, and read Psalm 6. Then pray this prayer: "Oh, Elemiah, give me prosperity in all my passoa and in all my actions. Grant that my desires are fully satisfied from today, by virtue of Vasso great and mighty name, amen." . Repeat this sympathy once a month even when you feel the need.

Spells to be well-behaved child

Sympathy to be well-behaved child

Put your child a toy next to an image of Our Lady appeared for 30 minutes. Then, pour over it a few drops of holy water. Deliver the object to the child and let her play as usual.

Spells for achieving grace (Lent)

All Fridays during Lent, on waking, pray a Hail Mary and an Our Father. Make your intention to remain holy and devotion without any food you like during the forty days (type chocolate, soda, beer).

Spells to keep the family united

Sympathy to keep the family united

On a moonless night, soak the key doorway of his home in a glass of red wine, honey and a handful of sugar. Put the cup in the serene and the next morning, remove the key and espeje content cup in the kitchen sink of your home. Use the key, and the cup as usual.

Spells to have affection for stepmother

Sympathy to have affection for stepmother

Plant a pink girl changes in a clay pot and let that vessel at the entrance to the main door of your house. Bury him a small medal of Our Lady Queen of Peace, which always strengthens this type of request.

Spells to have a successful life

In a Friday, put three cloves India, three cinnamon sticks, a spoon (soup) of sugar, seven drops of your perfume, three pinches of grated nózmoscada and spoon (soup) of honey in three liters of boiled water and let it sit for half an hour. Before going to bed, strain and pour into the prepared warm your cup, from the neck down. Take your shower and usually throw them straight in the trash. The ritual should be done for three days straight and never waning moon at night.

Spells for children calmer

Sympathy for children calmer

On a night and waning moon, at 8 pm, type the name of his eldest son in a blue piece of paper if it is a boy or color pink if girl. Underneath the name, write an Our Father and a Hail Mary. Fold the paper and say, 'With the power of the waning moon, all his impatience and nervousness will disappear. "Light a white candle on a saucer in the intended guardian angel of her son and store paper inside a bible as long you like. If I have more children, repeat the ritual the following night, setting forth the name of the other. Throw the remains of the candle in the trash and wash the saucer, which can be used normally.

Spells to end discussions on family

Sympathy to end discussions on family

Say, in thought, "Dad, that ends all disagreements, end all discord, also ends with this discussion and disagreement with that." Then pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary. Soon you will notice the changes in the relationship between everyone.

Spells for not missing anything at home

ympathy for not missing anything at home

Every time you make a purchase of the month, remember to separate some food for a needy family. When delivering the parcel to that family to this family, think: "May God protect my family and we are always happy and united." Come home and say a prayer for the family that helped needy.

Spells to live in peace with mother

Sympathy to live in peace with mother

Buy a perfume quite nice to give it away. but rather, use a little bit, making a cross on his forehead and on his umbigo.á Then, wrap and give to your mother. It is important to deliver the gift with good intention for peace to reign you always.

Spells to win someone rich

For three consecutive Sundays, boil a liter of water. Mix two tablespoons (soup) of sugar, warm and wait despescoço the neck down. Then view a piece of linen and believe that is attractive and rich enterresante.

Spells to be happy in new home

Sympathy to be happy in new home

On the first day in the house, fill a glass of water, Ping Gitas 13 of your favorite perfume and add a spoon (soup) of sugar and one of salt. Then write your name and your family in tissue paper branco.Dobre well and dip the glass with a sprig of rue and rosemary. Cover the cup and leave behind the front door of your home for seven days. After this time, throw some water in every room and makes it So long, pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Salve Regina. Take the rest of the herbs, paper, glass and throw in trash. Wash hands thoroughly after contact with the herbs.

Spells for their children to study

Sympathy for their children to study

Put a potted daisy costima where your child do their homework and say the following words: "Infant Jesus of Prague, protector of all knowledge, enlighten the mind of my offspring" Repeat these words whenever they are studying. Take care of flower vase with care.

Spells to shine in the game

Buy feradura small (found in lijas mystical) and leave it stored inside the pillowcase your pillow for three days. Then tie a red satin ribbon and hang it in a fruit tree for your luck to multiply as the fruit of the tree. Exit without looking back and keep quiet about sympathy.

Spells for home hazards

Sympathy for home hazards

Hold a medal of the saint's devotion and say three times: "For the arrive of our Lord Jesus Christ and his suffering, I ask that you protect my house from all evils and dangers assatos." Then pray three Hail Marys, three Our ​​Fathers and save rainha.A medal, you can put behind the front door of his house, leaving there forever.

Spells to succeed in the industry affective

Place a medal of St. jorge on a string and use it for two days straight. Reward if coma medal boyfriend and ask him to use it forever, because it serves as a spiritual protection.

Spells for gay families

Sympathy for gay families

When you feel the sadness is taking care of you or someone in your family, go to a church and pray 13 Hail Marys, offering the Holy Trinity. Even in church, light a candle, at the appropriate place, for the guardian angel of the family sad.

Spells to have the perfect life

In a Wednesday morning oela, put seven sheets of me-nobody-can and a bit of a guinea prato.Arrume plants, forming a circle. In the middle, light a white candle on a saucer. Pray-three Our ​​Fathers and three Hail Marys. Then repeat the words: "My guardian angel, I come to ask you to light my way to success I achieve." Bury the remains of the candle and leaves in a vase with flowers. Wash your hands, saucer and plate. Treat the plant with love by the time you want.

Spells for children protected

Sympathy for children protected

On a plate, put some sugar and two egg yolks. Beat everything until it forms a eggnog, go for a plate of cardboard and bury in your yard or in a vase of your home, and cosme are offering San Damiano. Do you prefer a prayer to the saints, asking them to protect their children.

Spells to achieve victories in new projects

Write a green leaf in your name and you want to conquer. Then fold well, tie it with string and bury it in a pot, saying a Salve Regina, an Our Father and a creed. leave the place without looking back, agradescendo the force of nature and making the sign of the cross.

Spells to protect your family from bad energies

Sympathy to protect your family from bad energies

Load in your purse 13 branches and 13 purple-pinion pits burana (found in homes in empecializadas herbs) for seven days. At the end of that period, hide the lumps of amburana somewhere in his house for two days, then throw in the trash. The branches should be buried in a pot with soil.

Spells for success in friendships

Say a prayer asking your guardian angel to succeed in their friendships. Then light a sandalwood incense and pass the smoke around his feet and his head, careful not to burn yourself and throw the ashes in the trash.

Spells for family protection

Sympathy for family protection

On the first Monday of every month, pray the Our ​​Father im your guardian angel, asking for protection against all vibrations negativas.Ao pray, think of your home with harmony and happiness. Then go to a church near where you live and light a candle for each person in your family, reinforcing its claim for protection.

Spells for a life of prosperity

Get a clover pendant-of-four-flolhas and pass it around the smoke of incense of rue. Then stroll with incense in their hands through the rooms of your home, speaking aloud the word "prosperity". Do this until the end incense. Sweep your house, collecting dirt and throw it in the trash. use the clover pendant-of-four-flolhas as a charm, always carrying with you for as long as necessary.

Spells for parents not prohibit dating

Sympathy for parents not prohibit dating

Place three pinches of salt and three drops of lavender perfume in a cup. Then write your name on a paper, her boyfriend's name and age of each. Put a white rose in the cup and leave there until murchar.Jogue everything in the trash, including glass, and say aloud: "Do smell the rose, came a beautiful passion that's become as life lasts."

Spells to accomplish something difficult

Ask for help santa rita going to a church and putting some flowers on the altar. Then say a prayer, beseeching inner peace and wisdom. Ask what you can, with the blessings of the holy, what is considered impossible. Exit the church making the sign of the cross.

Spells for more union family

Sympathy for more union family

On any day of the week, gather your family members at a luncheon or jantar.Antes they serve, get a bell chimes and give as many as there are people who are on the table. Pray together a Hail Mary before serving. Save the bell of the house in a place where nobody mess. Repeat the magic whenever you need.

Spells for peace in coexistence

Sympathy for peace in coexistence

If one of your family members are bringing discord into your home, do the following prayer: "Santa Catarina, you who tamed many men and women, amanse now (say the name of your relative) WUE to do things the right way without friction or violence. "Do things the right way, without friction or violence." Make this prayer in a quiet place, away from the person.

Spells to improve your relationship with your mother

Sympathy to improve your relationship with your mother

Inside a pot with a lid, put salt halfway. Add honey and sugar until completely fill the pot. Cover and leave in the sun for five days. Then throw in the trash.

Spells for people back home soon

Sympathy for people back home soon

If you are concerned about a person who is slow to arrive, open a drawer, say aloud the name of the person and close. You should do the same gesture three times. Then, finish making the sign of the cross.

Spells for your home always have peace

Sympathy for your home always have peace

Write the names of everyone in your family on white paper. Put the paper in a white vase. On a Friday night, made​​, Leave the pot in the serene and light a candle next to it on a saucer. Then throw the paper and the remains of the candle in the trash. Reuse the pot and the saucer normally.

Spells for children protected

Sympathy for children protected

To get your children away from harm and free from any kind of disease, do the following ritual: On a Friday full moon, take a sweet crinça like that and put it on a plate, covered with a cloth. Leave in a loud place. The next day, the ENTERE sweet on a flower pot. Re-use plate, after washing, typically.

Spells for taking your child quebranto

Sympathy for taking your child quebranto

Before beginning the blessing, wash your hands with soap and wipe a perfume of your choice at corpo.Em then rub three drops of olive oil in mãos.Então, place your right hand over your heart and say crinça "our lord jesus Christ, help me where to put mão.Cristo lives, reigns and reigns for ever and ever '. Ámem.Pelo divine power that has our lord jesus christ, this quebranto vai off the sides, the back, for above, behind and ahead, through faith in our Lord, it shall be done: leaving the front, above, behind, by baixo.Ámem. "

Spells to bring health to your family

Sympathy to bring health to your family

Wake up early, before all the family, and pray four Our Fathers dedicated to the four mighty saints: St. geraldo, Santa Paula, San Roque and San Sebastião.Depois prepare a delicious breakfast ge to serve all the people of his home, asking them that by taking the first sip, say, "Thank you, God, for another dia.Ámem." sympathy Repeat once a month.

Spells for peace in family

Sympathy for peace in family

In a Sunday, make some sweet, that all persons of his family gostem.Conforme vai making the recipe, make your requests for peace, health, and harmonia.Caso husband has aggressive or rebellious children, ask for that and I wish you the bonfim amanse.Depois the candy ready, put your hand on it and say, "sweet blessed, sacred sweet, make this house and this family always abençoadas.Que peace be always convosco.Ámem." Serve everyone, wishing peace mentally.

Spells to the family loaded take energy

Sympathy to the family loaded take energy

Plant in a clay pot, a change of sword-of-jorge-are a rue and a guiné.Deixe ovaso inside his house, near the door entrada.Regue it three times a week.

Spells to give health to their father

Sympathy to give health to their father

Say: "O Lord my God, protector of all, amigodos needy. Make that health and high spirits take root in my body and in my dad's so we can live in peace and get on with our lives, always in a climate very healthy. Thanks, my god. "Make the sign of the cross and pray an Our Father with great faith.

Spells for evil eye

Sympathy for evil eye

Got a new love? Are you happy? Realizes the envy in the eyes of others? So it's worrying and to protect themselves by making just a sympathy to free his love from the evil eye. This is very effective because it serves to cut away and the evil eye. It is very simple to do. Go through your body a braid of garlic, the top of the head to the feet, front, back, right side and left side.

Spells to dispel negative influences

Sympathy to dispel negative influences

If you are in love again, after leaving another person, may be prepared because possibly out of spite, abandoned the person will do anything to disrupt his new relationship. Nothing annoys more than one person is doing work against you and the person you love. When this is happening and you feel like you're loaded (a) of negative influences, make, along with the beloved, a bath discharge, as follows. On Friday, before the sun goes down, take a twig of rue, a guinea and two white roses. In an iron pot, put two quarts of water, a tablespoon of salt, other ingredients and simmer for ten minutes, then gets warm. After your normal bath, throw the water in the body, head down, and let it dry naturally without using towel. When you dry off, put on a white suit, light a candle in the bathroom and one in his room and say a prayer to your guardian angel.



How to clean and protect your spirit

Make a spiritual cleansing to ward off evil eye, envy and bad energy.

A spiritual cleansing serves to take the bad energies of his life, his home and his job. You can even take a big step to get rid of bad energy. Here are some tips:

Clean your house, throw out all the old things, eliminate debris and things that get in the closet and the closet without.

Always open doors and windows in the morning.



After making the prayer gives the seventh and last node in dolls. And put them in a bag of red or pink cloth and take home.

You should do this ritual mooring after midnight on nights Crescent Moon for 7 consecutive days until the moon becomes full. Each repetition of this ritual add a new line without ever removing the previously placed. You should keep the dolls hidden in a drawer and only remove them to make this evening ritual. In preparation for this ritual should dress in white, bathing and burn incense grains to attract good energy. This sympathy mooring of St. Cyprian when done with faith and observing all the requirements and procedures set will be very strong and powerful and great helper you can tie your love for each other without turning back. The dolls will be hidden in one part of the house where you sleep (may be in your room). This work mooring should preferably be done by the person who will collect benefits thereof.

Spells to avoid temptations

Who loves is liable to be tried. The higher your happiness in love, the more evil it vai patrolling, trying to shake his determination and his belief in love. It is known as the flesh is weak and how evil works, wearing his temptations with the more voluptuous and charming ways. Architecting all this is the devil, whom the happiness of men not interested. Corruption, the betrayals, the lies and treachery are your greatest achievements and he appreciates that. The more you love, the more is expected to strengthen and fortify the beloved. For that, you get a prayer renew faith and trust in the loved person. This is one of the most recommended. Copy it to a sheet of paper and take it with you. Just when you feel like it, read it. Do not bother. You will want to read it when it is needed. PRAYER AGAINST TEMPTATIONS "Lord, God of love, make me worthy of my love and confidence of those who love and loved for who I am (a). Both May we be blessed by the love that unites us and keeps us away from the ways of demon. Faze us an example of trust, truth and faithfulness, for we know only the path of righteousness, toward the glory of thy mercy. Keeps us from sin and with an eye only to each other, united by ties blessed with your grace,

Spells to bury a love

In a cemetery, look at the trees for a piece of bark. Wrap a white paper and take it with you, but do not go home with him. Go through a creek, river or sea. Type the name of the person you want to bury your heart, pray one Our Father and three Hail Mary for her, then release the piece of wood in the water.

Spells to disrupt a person's love

Take some soil from a grave in a cemetery, place inside a paper plate and take it, to midnight on a Friday, it gets to a point midway between the homes of these two people, whose dating you either way. Place the dish on the ground floor and stab him a branch of crown-of-christ. Say seven times the name of the person whose love derail want, then move away without looking back.

Spells for a love affair passenger

Harvest in the morning a spider web still dewy, pressing a red scarf against her. Fold the scarf and keep it. When you find a person who wants to have a fling, give a way to put that scarf in one of her pockets.

Spells to attract someone

Sympathy to attract someone

Want to look and not take piece, as the ancients said. When a person looks at another and feel in your heart that uncontrollable reaction, accompanied by an irresistible desire to be that person, no use resisting. It was written in the stars. The business is now doing everything to attract it. To do so, discover and write her name seven times in the middle of a street, seven times in the trunk of a tree and a wall seven times, then go to the edge of a river, a stream, and say seven times the following prayer:


By the grace of Yemanja, and the power of the Holy Spirit ... (say the name) is enchanted me as much charm and it will be my (my) lover. Be clear night in the moon, is in hot sunny day, walk down my street, or have sleep or rest, while his cold heart, not bathe in my river, my heat is not warm. "

Spells to forget a person

Take seven yellow rose petals, write with the tip of a needle on them the name of the person you want to forget, placing them then in an iron pot with brine. Place over high heat and let the water boil and dry slowly. Dispatch the leftovers in water, after which the pan to cool.

To spells Jealousy

To sympathies Jealousy

Sympathy for people who feel jealous sick

Jealousy, far from being a proof of love, is a demonstration of insecurity. Who suffers from it does not make it out of spite, because it has no control over this feeling. It simply manifests itself in some cases even becomes sick. The woman is so, should seek help ana prayer of St. Anthony, the more powerful for that purpose. It should be done by an older woman, dipping a branch of rue a glass of holy water and sprinkling in the head, chest and back of jealous. At each of these points on the body when water is thrown, must be repeated the following prayer.

Spells loved to do (a)

Take a photograph of the person, full body and smiling and crave her seven spines orange photo, one above the head, one under each foot and the other to the height of the arms and legs. Keep in your jewelry box.

Spells to win your love

Sympathy to win your love

Take a white candle and write his name (a) with a sharp object. Light the candle and say twice the name of the loved one, then repeat: "Let's stay together through the power of earth, sky and sea, we'll be together." Let the candle burn.

Spells to find a new love

This sympathy is particularly who want to find their soul mate and start a love affair lasting and unforgettable. To make it you need a lot of faith and confidence in action and the power of the saint. On the eve of Saint Anthony, before midnight, pray the following prayer at the edge of a campfire, with a lock of hair in his left hand. Glorious St. Anthony, you have the sublime mission of embracing and cuddling the child Jesus, to promote harmony and love in the hearts of men and women reach me and help me, I beg you from the bottom of my heart, to find my true love. You who have been so kind to lovers, with God meets my request. Then throw the lock of hair on the fire and wait feels days.

Spells for the arrest (a) boyfriend (a)

Sympathy for the arrest (a) boyfriend (a)

Take a photo of the person and place it with your picture, so that the two people to be together. Put the photos into a saucer and light a white candle on them. When finished burning candle, join the rest of the wax and the pictures and put everything in an envelope. Store in a place that only you know. Have a lot of faith in the kindness you are doing and wish strongly that one never abandon you.

Spells to have the right man in your life

Among women, this is an eternal concern and they do everything to achieve it. If you want it too, do the following sympathy, on June 13. Buy a red ribbon and tie it at the base of a red candle and lit it in front of an image of St. Anthony. When the candle burn until the next tape, delete it, wrap it in red paper and ship it in running water. Grab a notebook and start writing down the names of all the men who meet thereafter. Every night, leave the notebook at the head of your bed. If any of them dream about, look it up. Is your elected ..

Spells for marrying your beloved

Sympathy for marrying your beloved

On a full moon night, place a pot with half a cup of water inside the container must be in a place that receives the moonlight. Place the picture of the woman or the man loved (o) and a rose. The other day, kiss the rose that was in the bowl and give it to your loved one

Spells to concentrate power in his love

If you are looking for a powerful source of energy to protect his love and harmonize their lives, know that this is one of the best ways to ensure that nothing will affect them now or in the future, for the union of you will proceed in the cosmic plan . Buy a small pyramid of metal and place it so that their tips are aligned with the North, South, East and West. Put this pyramid on a saucer with water and the water on the blade put a picture of you with your loved one, so that it is floating. Leave it all on a wooden surface, the sun, eleven to thirteen hours, all Fridays.

Spells to increase desire

Sympathy to increase desire

Take a photo and paste in a small padlock with a piece of tape. Pour over honey. Put the padlock on the floor and make a circle, alternating candles red, yellow and white. Each candle in a saucer. Light the candles from right to left and repeat: "(Say the name of a loved one) is tied up in my body and only have eyes for me. Only be satisfied with me and not want no other, because not work." Let the candles burn halfway and delete them. Play the remains in the trash, clean and store the picture fondly. The padlock and saucers can be used as usual.

Spells for holding a love

If you are female and want to hold her and love having him by your side forever, make this sympathy. Take his underwear, lay on the floor, put your underwear over and sew a red line with the other, muttering the words: Here we unite, for intimacy. You will be with me forever and I will be with you for eternity. Together we will be for life. That done, wrap, tie with a red ribbon and bury beside a red rose without thorns.

Spells for not suffer from separation

Sympathy for not suffer from separation

Take a photo of the person you broke up, wrap a piece of paper RED, dripping three drops of red wine vinegar and add three basil leaves, tying it with a piece of red tape also. Throw the bag in the trash and leave the place without looking back. Make this sympathy on a Friday and did not tell anyone

Spells to avert problems in your love

Often, by loving others, without realizing you are attacked by some sort of problem that can cause damage to your relationship, affecting the beloved. If this happens to you, defend yourself tooth and nail, using a powerful sympathy. On Friday, buy a dozen white roses and put them in a vase of white crockery. Leave it for three days in a mobile front of the entrance door of her house, on a photograph where you and your love appear together. After that time, take the vase to the church and leave it at the altar of St. Anthony. Keep the picture within your Bible, never tire of the place where the post.

Spells for a love away unwanted

Sympathy for a love away unwanted

Take three white papers and write on it 3 tickets. In the first, "Do you want more., Let the waters take you and not bring you back." In the second: "Do not think of me." The third: As was thrown, rolled, vanished and drowned. "Throw 1 a day, on 3 consecutive days, discharge or in a river.

Spells to stay with the loved one

Sympathy to stay with the loved one

Do this for three consecutive days: Get the Rosary counting each "ball" and make the following prayer "Frei Silverio grant me the grace and miracle that so wish I (your name) and (name of loved one) to be together always undying passion and Infinite Love. "On the third day after finishing publish this prayer because it has to be released and thus causing more people believe her and she succeeds.

Spells for chases away your love

If you love and that love is a victim of persecution or some kind of hidden enemy before starting to lose your relationship, do not delay this sympathy. On Friday, buy two hundred grams of smoke rope and let soak for an hour in two quarts of water. Take a sprig of rue, and with bowl in hand, go watering the field and throwing water smoke around your home. Give seven laps in the house. After doing so the smoke cut into seven pieces and throw them on the path that separates her house from the house of his love.

Spells for the rival away from your relationship

Sympathy for the rival away from your relationship
On a piece of paper, write your name and your loved one with a red pen. On another sheet, with a black pen, the name of her rival. Then light a candle on a saucer, put your name and your boyfriend down while firing the name of another. After finishing throw it all away and store only the name of the two of you in your underwear drawer.

Spells to get rid of competition

Sympathy to get rid of competition
If your relationship is cooling and her boyfriend (a) is interested (a) in another girl (o), discover the name and date of her birth (e). Take a blank piece of paper and write the date and the birth of (a) his (her) boyfriend (a) and those of (a) his (her) next competitor. Then bend the paper so that the names are on top of one another. Place in the freezer of your refrigerator. The interest of both cool down and you will go with your cat (a) free of competition.

Spells to tie her first love

The first love you never forget, especially if that first love is still on your side. To hold that forever love, sympathy is indicated as follows. Buy a yard of white ribbon and a glass of your favorite perfume. Place the tape inside the glass and leave for twelve days. During this time, light a candle daily to St. Anthony and ask him to his first love does not separate you. After twelve days, remove the tape from the inside of the glass, cut in two, tie one on the left wrist of his love and ask him to tie the other party in your.

Spells to live a great love

Sympathy to live a great love
Ingredients: 3 white carnations, 1 white satin ribbon, 1 white rosebud and 3 liters of water. Put water on to boil and when borbolhando, place the cloves in the pan and simmer for another 3 minutes. Let cool and throw this water from the neck down, after having taken his bath normally. Dress in white, pink skirt and tie with a white ribbon on a tree of your choice.

Spells to find love at a party

If you are invited (a) to a party there and want to find a person to love, pay close attention to the following sympathy. Before taking bath, get a red rose and boil with one liter of water for five minutes. Remove from heat, let cool and place a tablespoon of pure honey. Then throw this water throughout the body, including the head, then take your bath normally. Put your best clothes, elevate your mood and go to the party. Once you find the love of your life.

Spells for sure Love

If you are in love and want to make sure that is also loved (a), this sympathy. Buy a deck and remove the cards Eight, Nine and Ten, leaving them aside. Shuffle the other cards and make three piles with the same number of letters. Randomly choose a lot and find it lot Knave of Diamonds, you can be sure that you are very loved. If you find a Queen of any suit, before Jack, is a sign that there is another woman among you. If you find a King of Diamonds, is a sign that you will overcome all barriers standing in its way. If not the Jack in the lot chosen, burn the entire deck and throw the ashes in a stream of river or sea. Wait seven days and redo sympathy.

Spells to increase sensuality

Sympathy to increase sensuality
In crescent moon every morning make a mixture of water and 7 mint leaves, strain and rinse your face with the mixture strained. Then pick up the leaves left over, put to dry and wrap in a red paper, asking the angels to increase their sensuality. Pray one Our Father and one Hail Mary for his holy devotion, holding the parcel with great faith. Leave in your wardrobe and where you want to increase your sensuality, hold it and ask the help of angels.

Spells to protect your love

Sympathy to protect your love
In current times, we must protect ourselves and protect the person you love, because the evil, envy and slander wander around. According to some, this is the sign of the times and those ears hear.
To protect his love against everything and everyone, nothing like using one of the most acclaimed and most holy friend, protector embattled those who flock to it.
To protect your love, do at least once a week, preferably on Friday, the Prayer of St. George, in front of an open window and a lit candle.
         Glorious St. George, your power reaches the whole earth, the seas, the clouds, the winds. You travel through the infinite universe, scarest evil spirits and attract the blessings to my love. Reignest evil with your spear, so it protects my love and let that evil life.
         Give us protection, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. So I ask you, so I will be satisfied (a).

Spells to find a new love

This sympathy is particularly who want to find their soul mate and start a love affair lasting and unforgettable. To make it you need a lot of faith and confidence in action and the power of the saint. On the eve of Saint Anthony, before midnight, pray the following prayer at the edge of a campfire, with a lock of hair in his left hand. Glorious St. Anthony, you have the sublime mission of embracing and cuddling the child Jesus, to promote harmony and love in the hearts of men and women reach me and help me, I beg you from the bottom of my heart, to find my true love. You who have been so kind to lovers, with God meets my request. Then throw the lock of hair on the fire and wait feels days.

Spells to protect your love

Take seven flowers of purple and seven ipe ipe yellow, putting them to dry inside a Bible, between the pages of the Song of Songs. After seven days, take the flowers and form pairs, one yellow with a purple, joining them in white envelopes, separate envelopes totaling seven. Let them arranged in a white porcelain dish on a high spot of the house, out of sight of people moving through the house and away from any door or window.

In current times, we must protect ourselves and protect the person you love, because the evil, envy and slander wander around. According to some, this is the sign of the times and those ears hear. To protect his love against everything and everyone, nothing like using one of the most acclaimed and most holy friend, protector embattled those who flock to it. To protect your love, do at least once a week, preferably on Friday, the Prayer of St. George, in front of an open window and a lit candle. Glorious St. George, your power reaches the whole earth, the seas, the clouds, the winds. You travel through the infinite universe, scarest evil spirits and attract the blessings to my love. Reignest evil with your spear, so it protects my love and let that evil life. Give us protection, through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns forever and ever. So I ask you, so I will be satisfied (a).

Cartomancy (Deck)

Cartomancy (Deck)

Query letters (Deck Joint)

The Cartomancy (playing cards or reading the letters) to fascinate not only consultants, but even those who lay the cards because
the predictions obtained are often prophetic. However, to achieve good results it is necessary that the anyone reading
Letters knows their meanings, learn to interpret them and also understand the influence that some letters
have over others by modifying their individual sense. For these reasons, the simplest systems are the best.
many ask how often the cards can be found.
The experts say this can be done several times, even the same day, when the consultant needs an answer to a serious and urgent problem.
Thus, if the letters are repeated, a response can be clarified before dark.
When the query is made out of curiosity, do not put the letters more than once a week

Spells to be matched in love

Amar is a very tricky business, because it means giving up individuality to take their lives together. You seek happiness of the loved at all costs, living for her and getting her the same commitment. It takes patience and there can be no accommodation. The important thing is to live life according to the beloved, without regrets or complaints. For this, it is worth using what conventional wisdom puts at your disposal. This sympathy is special. On Friday of the Crescent Moon, after 21:00 pm, a red rose despetale and write on each petal, with a rose thorn, the name of the loved one. After that, throw petals in water and wait for the result.

Using Crystals

Using Crystals

The crystals can be used both during meditation, as after it, they all had to act channeling energies.
When meditanto the important thing is to know how to position the crystals, therefore, place a small amount of crystals at your side or in your hand.
After finishing meditation lie comfortably and place the crystals on the chakras. If tune with crystals coming from higher chakras, until the lower body, then immediately mentalize positive changes in your life, and ask answers personal are shown.

Gypsy Tarot - Tarot

Gypsy Tarot - Tarot

Gypsy Tarot Tarot reading is different from others because of the simplicity and objectivity.

The gypsy tarot cards can be called a Gypsy and Gypsy deck.

My query talks past, present and future without you say anything.

The gypsy tarot was created by the gypsies who walked the world, they created a tarot with figures for easy interpretation.

The gypsy tarot and other oracles send us information locked in our subconscious.

I'm tarologa do consultations and tarot gypsy DES small, always identified myself with the gypsy tarot, I think that oracle Gypsy developed with great wisdom and dedication.



Is nothing more than the reading of hands, there are no rules for the reading to be done, but rather you must have all knowledge and skill, and it is also important to consider your intuition.
In Palmistry no difference, you can be right or left handed, no matter the reading of hands will always be equal, the more that is revealed varies from person to person. It is not possible to have a concrete information from the future, because the lines, the lines change during the passage of life, so with the reading of hands you can not see the life of each person.

Spells for love again

If the marriage is over or if somehow the person with whom you lived long gone or moved away, no use whining or if descabelar. The best thing is to overcome this situation and rebuild their lives. There is nothing like having the help of a powerful sympathy, able to promote and forgetfulness surfacing paths to a new life. Take a piece of wood, write on both sides of the name of the person you need to forget, then drop it in a stream or river play in the sea. If you drop into the sea, make sure that the waves do not bring back.

Pentacles - LETTERS

Pentacles - LETTERS

Meaning of the letters of diamonds


Comment ace-important, money or gift, even an engagement ring.
Lady-Scandal. danger.
Valente-Person selfish, bad news; desieal friend, offering no danger to humans, but bad for women.
10 - money, travel, marriage unexpected.
9 - Travel for financial purposes, unexpected news related to money, always influenced by neighboring letters.
8 - Travel, late marriage. Country Life.
7 - Poor Charter. Playing with losses, bad luck in any business.
6 - Marriage soon, but facing dangers. In remarriage, will be unsuccessful. See reasons in neighboring letters.
5 - Success, prosperity in business or marriage.
4-hazards. Friends forgotten. In marriage, fights and indicates possibilities of divorce.
2 - If you really love can end in marriage or not, according to the neighboring letters.

The flower in the world today

The flower in the world today

The use of Bach Flowers in humans, plants and animals, is a very old technique, research has indicated that the use of floral has come even before Christ. Australians ate the flower for entirely the desired results, Egyptians, Africans and Malaysians already made ​​use of floral to combat emotional imbalances, research confirms that in the sixteenth century Paracelsus already used the flower essences for emotional disorders in their patients.
Already in the 1930s, Dr. Edward Bach, wanted the floral exist in simple places, wheres the mother pudesem have at home, so choose with their own hands essence the best for their children. After 70 years of floral therapy are evolving much, the doctors, in the offices of therapists, among others.
In the United States, the flower are known as homeopathic remedies, England possess a strict standard of quality when it comes to medicine, and is thus in several countries. Already the floral emerged in Brazil in the 80s, and intensified in the '90s, and is considered feed. It is a product that is very new in the market, but has a very large expansion in the world. Brazilians are very abtos the use of this medicine by being highly natural, contain no contraindications and do not have side effects.